As with all Citywide Investor deals, the Joint Venture proposal is agreed at the outset. We will suggest a profile of property and development tailored to the liquid funds available. We will also agree the Limited Company and share structure, which can be verified & set up by either Citywide Investors Solicitors or your own Solicitor.

We work closely with our JV partners to provide more cost effective supported living accommodation within communities across the U.K.

Who We Work With:

  • Care & Support Providers
  • Commissioners
  • Housing Association
  • Pension Funds
  • Family Offices
  • Finance Companies
  • Individual Investors
  • Corporate Investors
  • Building Contractors
  • Architects
  • Designers

Secure Exit Strategies

Our Joint Venture exit strategies are also agreed at the outset and are tailored to your individual investment aims and aspirations. Some JVs are looking for a short term gain but others like a long term investment providing short term yields with long term capital appreciation.

Proven Track Record

We have a proven track record in successful Joint Venture partnerships based on mutually beneficial arrangements and the creation of value. We will work with Partners and schemes, large or small. Our focus is always on mutually beneficial returns for all parties involved.

Why Invest in Supported Housing?

New Partnerships

Citywide Investors is always seeking to form new partnerships with Investors, landlords and Developers in order to grow our provision of quality homes for vulnerable adults across the UK.

Huge Shortage

There is currently a huge shortage of supported housing in the U.K. and there are many vulnerable adults in need of bespoke housing, within their own communities close to family and friends.

  • Investment in supported living property is more than an average property investment.
  • It is an investment in the lives of people with mental and physical difficulties, as well as those faced with homelessness.
  • Long term fully repairing leases with no void and low maintenance
  • No problem tenants and no hidden cost
  • Rent paid on time every time
  • Long term leases, which are CPI linked
  • Fully repairing leases will increase the value of your asset
  • Proven track record and stable financial viability we have the “credentials”.
  • Strong working relationships in place to offer a high level of long term Property Investment management programmes.
If you would like to discuss a potential partnership with Citywide Investors, please contact us at info@citywideinvestors.co.uk or call us on 0113 3230 678